Bending Syntax and Semantics - The post-Devel::Declare world

Регистрация: Логин

Автор: Florian Ragwitz (‎rafl‎) из
Дата: суббота, 12 мая 2012 г. 10:50
Длительность: 20 минут
Целевая аудитория: Продвинутый
Язык: English
Теги: mangling perl semantics syntax

A few years ago, Devel::Declare was pretty much the only way to mangle sensibly extend Perl's syntax.

These days, many new API's have emerged in the Perl core, making it possible to avoid to entirely avoid Devel::Declare and related technologies in order to change either Perl's syntax or Perl's semantics in useful ways.

This talk will be describing several techniques of hooking into Perl's core to change both the behaviour of existing constructs as well as to add new syntactical constructs.

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Место проведения

Конференц-зал «Панорама»,
Киев, ул. Шолуденко 3, «Cubic Center», 6 этаж.



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